PageViews are History, Engagement Level is the New Mantra for Ranking Websites

Nielsen/NetRatings has decided to drop page views as a measure of site traffic and site popularity - they will now report the average time spent by a visitor and average number of sessions per visitor for each site.

Currently page views, a figure that reflects the number of Web pages a visitor pulls from a site, are an important metrics for attracting advertisers to a websites.

Nielsen will still provide page view figures but won't formally rank them.

This maybe bad news for Google Search as their main task is to "send visitors away" but should further boost the rankings of YouTube and other video websites. According to AP:

PageViews are History, Engagement Level is the New Mantra for Ranking Websites PageViews are History, Engagement Level is the New Mantra for Ranking Websites Reviewed by Bobby on 2:28 PM Rating: 5

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