Formula 1

F1 ready to roar back to life

The new season is upon us and UpdateF1 is once again here to get you through.

As always we will be providing our 'Interactive Commentary' service for every Practice session, Qualifying and the Race Live.

So if you can't see the race, make sure you join us online where we'll keep you informed of what is happening as it happens.

Australian Grand Prix times (GMT shown in brackets)

Friday: Practice 1 10:00 (Thursday 23:00)
Friday: Practice 2 14:00 (03:00)
Saturday: Practice 11:00 (00:00)
Saturday: Qualifying 14:00 (03:00)
Sunday: Race 15:30 (04:30)
Formula 1 Formula 1 Reviewed by Bobby on 12:55 PM Rating: 5

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