.SVG and two-dimensional vector graphics

File Extension SVG (short for scalable vector graphics) is a text based graphics language that describes images with vector shapes and text and is .xml family based describing two dimensional static and non static vector graphics as described in http://www.fileextensionsvg.net. The advantage of this is that no matter what size you scale the image to, the quality remains the same.

Currently leading the market in vector graphics, developers are now progressing into the mobile phone market with the introduction on SVG Tiny 1.2. Basically SVG is to graphics what XHTML is to text. For more information you can go to http://www.fileextensionsvg.net. You can find basic tutorials on how to write SVG codes at www.svgbasics.com.

It is an open source code which spans across multiple operating systems. Since it falls under the family of .xml, that means .svg can be compressed as well as searched as mentioned in http://www.fileextensionsvg.net
.SVG and two-dimensional vector graphics .SVG and two-dimensional vector graphics Reviewed by Bobby on 11:31 PM Rating: 5


Ruud Steltenpool said...

"text based", not "test based".

Much more about SVG via http://svg.startpagina.nl

Bobby said...

HI Stelt, thank you for the correction there. I am still a beginner. I really appreciate this.